hello and bye
It began after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors. Over the next several years, consumer spending and investment dropped, causing steep declines in industrial output and employment as failing companies laid off workers.
Bell Trade Act, formally Philippine Trade Act of 1946, an act passed by the U.S. Congress specifying the economic conditions governing the emergence of the Republic of the Philippines from U.S. rule; the act included controversial provisions that tied the Philippine economy to that of the United States.
Answer: The Forien Policy
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Italy a NATO country.
During the cold war, the US criticized the Soviet Union's construction of missiles in other countries. But the US put nuclear missiles in Turkey and in NATO countries, Italy being one of them. The presidency John F. Kennedy used these missiles to bargain for the end of the Cuban missiles crises in the year 1962. He agreed to remove nuclear missiles from Turkey if the Soviet Union removed nuclear missiles from Cuba.