When was BSE first discovered?
BSE first appeared in British cattle in the mid-1980s. There have been numerous cases detected in other countries. A complete list of countries is available from both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
C) To gather info about the natural world, to explain natural phenomena, and allow reasonable predictions of future events
Survival of the strongest... an organisms strength does not affect the natural selection process. Natural selection is adapting the species to be able to better survive in its environment. In order to better survive, an organism does not to be strong. e.g. a plant is probably not a “strong” organism and natural selection doesn’t change that in most cases
The Answer is B, or the 2nd one since it starts from one cell and splits into 2 meaning it's under going mitosis.
What are the options?