Imagery can make something abstract, like an emotion or theory, seem more concrete and tangible to the reader. By using imagery, writers can evoke the feeling they want to talk about in their readers...and by making their readers feel, writers can also help readers connect to the messages in their work
Every time they are dirty.
If you don't change the towels out for the sandwich station every time they get dirty, it can lead to some food born illnesses that you can potentially give customers. If a customer gets a FBI, you can lose a customer, or get sued. It is always best to change them every time they are visibly dirty to prevent accidents like FBIs from happening.
my sister never agrees with me
Plz mark me brainliest
yh i did tell me what u need and i will hlp u
To entertain. The books are literally a fantasy series. I suppose it also helped her through her depression and such, but her actual purpose was to entertain and teach some morals suck as the importance of friendship.