Henry Ford was the first to make a mass production. He made the Mobile T
C) Friday, midnight
In this case, the homeowner is considered a borrower, and federal law gives borrowers three full business days after signing mortgage documents to rescind any loan. Since the loan documents were signed a Tuesday, the borrower has until Friday, midnight to cancel any deal (3 days = Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).
The Lepidopteran are species that have a wide range of adaptation in the insect world. They have an important part in the natural ecosystem where they are primary pollinators along with being considered as food in the food chain. These are for example the butterfly and moth categories.
Merits: Several Moth and butterfly species are considered to be beneficial where the economic interests are taken in regard. They are good pollinators and are major sources of silk production. In addition, they also pollinate the agricultural flowers.
Demerits: On the contrary, the caterpillars hatching from the eggs of butterflies can be considered as harmful towards large quantities of crops. They feed on these crops and also lay their eggs in there which in turn makes the crops harmful for human consumption.
A well-respected chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank suddenly resigns
A non-diversifiable or systematic risk, is a risk which is common to a whole market or class of investments and not just limited to just a particular company or investment.
Non-systematic risk is a risk common to just an investment or a company.
If the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank suddenly resigns, it would affect a wide range of investments in the market and not just a company, which is an example of a non-diversifiable risk.