The 4th amendment. It gives every person the right to be free from any unreasonable government intrusion to anything and everything personal
they believed that it would heal the wounds of their childhood and early youth.
Since very young age, Maschmann was indoctrinated about Germany’s defeat in the First World War and the hardships and humiliation her country faced after the war.
So when she grew up, she developed a sense of partriotism towards her country and believed that it was her duty to take all measures to reclaim her country's honor.
Similarly, many young people like her felt that living and working for "colonisation work” in “advanced posts” like Warthegau was an opportunity to give back to their country as well.
Therefore, the thought of living and working in the Warthegau seemed appealing to Maschmann and other young people because they believed that it would heal the wounds of their childhood and early youth.
Before the invention of railroads, product distribution from land was conducted by using carriage. Compared to horses, distribution using train was much faster, cheaper, and able to contained larger amount of products.
This was the reason why the government of Texas settlements at that time made a huge investment in building railroads to connect the settlements. It allows both agricultural , mining, and animal farming products that created by a settlement place to be distributed all across the state.
American society by influencing family lives, teenage behavior, and the civil rights movement.