An argument uses logic to show why your stand on an issue is the best choice. An argument needs evidence and conclusion that convinces the reader or listener and validates the argument's premises.
It is necessary to collect pieces of evidence and logic behind the evidence to convince. it should claim your stand on an issue. Arguments should ignore the hasty generalizations such as pink color is associated with girls and blue to boys.
The correct answer is D, to focus. If you'd like proof, i can show ya.
I know i am late, but for the new ppl, here you go. can i get brainliest?
Sitting stiffly in front of the steering wheel, I do as my father told me and gently start the car. Carefully I drove it to the middle of the street double-checking, the rearview mirror just in case that a car or a bike suddenly appears. I successfully did the firsts meters without any problems. I made it to the end of my desolated street. Everything was fine, no cars, no kids, no dogs, nothing to worry about.
Suddenly, Tim, that annoying kid with his red ball, sees me from his porch. I saw his face while I was anxiously approaching his ostentatious house, and I knew that he was planning something. Carefully lying my feet on the brakes expecting for him to run in front of the car and my nervous self, I pass in front of his house. I was driving so slowly that I made his target extremely easy. His shiny red ball hit me square in the face making me lose control of the car and hit the brakes just in time before crashing the car against the big oak tree of Mr. Ferguson.
In this text, we describe a first-time driving experience. In the text, there are details about how the person feels during his first driving, what he sees, and what he is scare of. Also, we develop the sequence from the moment he sees his neighbor till he loses control due to the ball.
It is important to include details and a sequence in a narrative to engage the reader, make it clear, and transmit the story and the scene as vividly as possible.
he is still at the spot he is talking of.
I believe the answer is B