Valérie lit un roman <u>en voyageant.</u>
A- et voyager = INCORRECT =<em>et voyage</em>
B- voyageant = INCORRECT = <em>en voyageant</em>
B- en voyage = <em>could almost have been correct = on a journey, on a trip</em>
D- en voyageant = while travelling
hope this helps ☺☺☺
your answer is correct
They speak Spanish. but yes! They are
1. Swiss this is the only answer left that would make since.
2. Spanish you don't have to be Spanish to speak it NOT THE ANSWER
3. Mexican Mexican also speak Spanish so most likely not the answer
4. Venezuelans the people from Venezuela are also Spanish NOT THE ANSWER
I just wrote a short blog post on Earthquakes, let me know if its useful. I also included a translation in English below :)
P.S. I don't know what grade you are in, but based on the assignment I assumed you were in 4 or 5th, so I wrote according to what I thought a 4th grader's writing would sound like. And please consider marking me as Brainliest if this helped you❤
Il existe de nombreux types d'urgences dans lesquelles vous devrez agir rapidement. Voici un exemple et comment agir.
Parlons d'un tremblement de terre par exemple ! En cas de tremblement de terre, vous devrez vous mettre à couvert le plus rapidement possible. Une table est belle et solide, donc si vous pouvez passer sous une table, faites-le et assurez-vous de vous couvrir la tête.
N'oubliez pas que se tenir devant des objets tels que des bibliothèques est très dangereux (d'autant plus qu'ils ne sont pas boulonnés aux murs.)
English Translation:
There are many different kinds of emergencies in which situation(s) you will need to act quickly. Here's one example and how to act.
Let's talk about an earthquake for example! In case of an earthquake, you would need to get cover as fast as possible. A table is nice and sturdy, so if you can get under one, do so and make sure to cover your head.
Remember, standing in front of things such as bookcases is very dangerous (especially since they aren't bolted to walls.)
just a few mistakes
Ma visite au zoo se passe très bien. C'est très intéressant. Il y a des ours, des éléphants, des lions, des singes, des tigres, et des canards. Les ours dorment. Les singes sautent beaucoup. Les tigres courent vite. Les canards marchent.
When you make an enumeration , you should use an indeterminate article . hee it's plural, so you've got to use 'des'. In English you use "some", "any", or nothing.
The in the last sentence you forgot tu write the sybject before the verb.
That's all !!!
hope this helps ☺
une is feminine
un is masculine
des is plural
le is masculine
les is plural
la is feminine
With feminine singular nouns use une.
With masculine singular nouns use un.
With plural nouns use des.
With masculine singular nouns use le.
With plural nouns use les.
With feminine singular nouns use la.