France and Switzerland are both part of the European continent. France has a population of about 67m, Switzerland only has a population of about 8m. Both countries are overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. France is a Semi-presidential republic and Switzerland is a federal republic, formerly a confederation.
I detest...
I like to listen to...
I watch from time to time...
I always eat...
I sometimes study...
If your asking for the translation: what are the great benefits that science has brought to humans?
Q1. À gauche, il y a (un ordinateur) sur le bureau et un manteau posé sur (une chaise).
*Q2. Sous la table il y a (une guitare). Sur la table, à droite, il y a un (???)
Q3. Il y a (un chien) par terre, devant le lit.
Q4. Derrière la table il y a un miroir et (un lavabo).
Q5. À côté du lit il y a (une étagère).
Q6. Il y a deux vases avec (des fleurs).
Q7. Il y a (des rideaux) à la fenêtre.
Q8. Il y a chaussures par terre, sur (un tapis) bleu.
* On this question I cannot tell what the object is. It might be a lamp (une lampe).
Hope this helps out and good luck!
Bonne Nuit means Good Night I believe