The US removed Taliban from power because the Taliban was protecting Osama bin Ladin, the instigator of the attack of Sept. 11, 2001, with the destruction of the twin towers, the pentagon, and 4 aircrafts. With the Taliban not handing over the instigators, the US declared war and defeated the majority of Taliban during that time.
The core of Islamic law is expressed in five basic precepts, which are known as the Five Pillars of Islam that every good Muslim must honor. These are:
1. Declaration of faith. The believer must recite the following statement in order to become a Muslim, and also during the most significant events in life: <em>There is only one God and Muhammad is his messenger</em>.
2. Prayer. Muslims pray five times a day at specific hours and facing in the direction of Mecca. Praying can be performed anywhere, but, on Fridays, the afternoon prayer must be said at the mosque.
3. Alms-giving. Muslims can give spontaneously in order to please God, but, those who can also afford it, must give ten percent of their income (<em>zakat</em>).
4. Ritual fasting during the month of Ramadan. During this month (in which the Quran was revealed) Muslims must refrain from eating, drinking and having sexual relationships from dawn to dusk.
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca. Every adult Muslim that can afford it is obliged to make this pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime.
"The promise of an easy life" was not a reason that people moved west in the late 1800s, since in fact many people knew that this new life would be quite dangerous and difficult.
Plessy vs. Ferguson
In this case, the Supreme Court said that racial segregation did not go against the constitution.
I don't see a list but according to my dictionary, the best word to complete this definition would be ''regent''.