I am personally feeling scared. So far states kept going from red to blue over and over again and its so nerve racking.
I don't want to tell my political view, not because i'm embarrassed but because i myself am apart of this generation so I know no matter who I say I support, somebody is gonna come for me. And I don't feel like dealing with that right now.
Anyway, I hope to God that our country will get back on its feet and get back the respect that we lost during these last 4 years. I hope that police officers will stop killing innocents just for the color of their skin. I hope Americans will start opening their eyes and realize that everything is not okay, and that America isn't becoming great. I hope that we the people can learn to respect each other without judging each other because of skin color, sexuality, sexual preference, religion, belief, culture, and many other things. I hope America would learn to grow up, not just for ourselves but for other people. I also hope that corona goes away within the next 4 months because my birthday is coming up, and its really annoying at this point.
The theme is The History of puterico
Is this the whole question??
or in the book,