A. the decreasing gap between the rich
and the poor
Spell check is effective, especially, when you are working on official things, like work documents, school papers, important mails etc. People usually make mistakes while typing which they do not notice. Spell check fixes our mistakes.
Spell check will not detect the improper use of homonyms, such as "their" and "there." Spell check may flag words as errors which are indeed correct. Spell check does not always offer useful spelling suggestions for severely misspelled words.
Oftenly misspelled words:
beginning (as begining)
embarrass (as embarass)
business (as buisness)
separate (as seperate)
government (as goverment)
Answer and Explanation:
Hitler, Mussoline and Franco stimulated the feeling of revanchism in their countries, making the citizens of each country see themselves as victims of other European nations that should be fought in the name of the honor of their homelands. With that, a great feeling of nationalism developed an imperialist position of the governments that, supported by the citizens, began to spread in smaller nations and to promote the suffering and the domination of other territories, creating the necessity that these territories defend themselves militarily, generating thus the second world war.
Who, Which, When, Whose, That, Where are 6 of your basic relative pronouns