people thought that poor men shouldn’t be allowed to vote because they were poor. Native indian and women also werent allowed to to vote. Hope this helps!!✨✨✨
Industrial Revolution made unprecedented advances with agricultural and industrial changes. The following discoveries in technology made it all possible:
1. Agricultural revolution produced raw materials needed for establishing basic industries. New ways, techniques, and systems in agriculture were used;
2. Technology in industries was brought out. High demand and supply on manufacture goods were done with the use of machines.Transportation of raw materials needed by industries was traveled with the help of steam engine trains. The textile industries invented machines to process cotton and produce cloth. Metal industries created metal materials like pins, bullets, guns and machines.
I agree
B. Prohibition of alcohol
ENGLISH:As a result, for the most part, the English colonies in North America were business ventures. They provided an outlet for England's surplus population and (in some cases) more religious freedom than England did, but their primary purpose was to make money for their sponsors.
Como resultado, en su mayor parte, las colonias inglesas en América del Norte eran empresas comerciales. Proporcionaron una salida para el excedente de población de Inglaterra y (en algunos casos) más libertad religiosa que Inglaterra, pero su propósito principal era hacer dinero para sus patrocinadores.