Many of pullman strike workers joined the American railway, which supported their strike by launching a boycoty in which ARU members refused to run trains containing pullman cars
The U.S., technically
By every traditional measure, the United States “won” the Vietnam War. U.S. troops moved with impunity and held the field of battle after almost every engagement. Casualty rates were extremely lopsided in America's favor. Yet, by 1976, South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were communist. Which means that Vietnam won, if you will.
So I guess the U.S. won every battle and still lost the war. The war ended with a cease-fire rather than a peace treaty.
The technology that was ignored prior to the attack on the
Pearl Harbor was the radar. The reason that it was ignored during the attack
because of the fact that it wasn’t new or evolved and that it is still
considered to be experimental.
Native Amerixans lost land during the revolution.