The first president of the united state is george Washington
Hybrid cars,computers,cell phone,transportation system are items of technology
They did spend seven years at sea, while helen has also spent seven years in egypt as well, I believe.
Bloomberg took the brunt of the fire after spending his way onto the debate stage for the first time, but everyone had to take their turn playing offense and defense. Warren critiqued every other candidate’s health care plan in a single answer, injecting a rush of energy into her campaign. Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar continued a running battle that has built over several debates, while Biden lit into Bloomberg over Obamacare and Sanders faced questions about his policy disagreements with a powerful Nevada labor union.
(If you want I can make the words less complicated or advanced and add sentences.)
Kinship ties in Africa were and often still are far more important than merely giving you a place to spend the holidays. They can often decide who you marry, who takes care of your children, and who will take care of you when you get old.
I only could answer the first part sorry.