C (2.5)
int(3.5) = 3
So, using order of operations, (3/2)+1=2.5
Year = 1972
current year = 2021
while year <= current year:
print (year)
year = year + 4
ouch what happened to him
congrats you ruined my childhood
(thanks for the free points!!)
<a href="enter_site_url_here">Click here to visit site!</a>
href is the link that the element is going to point towards. Meaning it's going to direct the end-user to that site. "Click here to visit site!" is the text that the element is going to say, and that text will have an underline. So it's best to keep it short as you don't want <u>something like this happening on your site</u>.
I'd stick with the classic "here" as the text and have the text before-hand say "Click" and after-hand say " to visit site X" with X being the site name. Or, something along those lines.
The matrix theory is used by hill cipher.
Th technique which uses matrix theory is hill cipher technique.
Hill cipher technique is a polygraphic substitution cipher and it is based on linear algebra.
For encrypting a message in Hill Cipher technique each block of n letters is multiplied by an invertible matrix of nxn and that to against modulus 26 and for the decryption of the message, every block is multiplied by the inverse of the matrix that was used for encryption.