True(I really dont know i just wanted to finish the thing)
A) Curiously, you would not feel this force at all because, like anything in free fall, you are weightless.
The following literary terms and devices may be used in poetry: alliteration-the repetition of the same consonant sound (usually at the beginnings) of several words. IE: He hates hats. apostrophe-address to an person or personified object not present.That maby help.
Reading "The Great Gatsby" we learn that Myrtle values a man who has a lot of money. This is because her story makes it clear that she was in love with her husband at the beginning of the marriage, when he had a lot of money and a high position in society, however, this love was ending along with the financial condition of her husband, which meant that Myrtle lost all admiration for him, since she can no longer remain admired by high society.