France was a typical absolute monarchy for centuries, while this type of government in Spain didn't had strong roots and didn't last for such a long time.
The absolutist monarchy was established under Henry IV (1589-1610) and consolidated during the reign of Louis XIII (1610-1643).
The absolutist monarchy in France peaked during Louis XIV (1643-1715). Louis XIV erected a magnificent court at Versailles, where he moved from the Louvre where the earlier kings lived.
Known as the Sun King, he paid close attention to science and research, and a model of mercantilism was developed during his time.
Mercantilism was based on the idea of as much export of goods as possible and less import.
Martin Luther King felt that if the African American people wanted justice, they should go about it in a civilized manner. Being violent, like Malcolm X, just brought about more cruelty and injustice.