In The Devil and Daniel Webster By Stephen Vincent Benet, Jabez Stone sells his soul to the devil because he is having bad luck growing crops in the rocky soil of his farm in New England. He agrees with the devil (Ol' Scratch) that he will give him his soul in seven years.
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Https:// I believe this website will answer your question! Hope this helps! =)
Down below :) Hope it helps
Federal laws apply to everyone in the United States of America. State laws, on the other hand, apply to people who live or work in a particular state. The federal government has the right to regulate the mail, declare war, or conduct foreign affairs. The state government and the federal government both have the power to tax. The state government can exercise important functions in the United States, plan and pay for most roads, run public schools, provide water, organize police and fire services, and much more. Although the Federal government makes decisions for the United States as a whole, the State government isn't powerless, they have many rights do declare many things in their own state.
No hablo español muy bien, pero el segundo gran despertar ayudó a cambiar la forma en que la mayoría de la gente veía el mundo. Antes del segundo gran despertar, la gente aceptaba que el rey era simplemente un rey por derecho de Dios. pero el despertar les hizo cuestionar esto.
Espero que esto ayude, amigo! intenté mi mejor jajaja!