The Mexican-American War, waged between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848, helped to fulfill America's "manifest destiny" to expand its territory across the entire North American continent.
1.Rococo developed out of Baroque. Both styles feature elaborate ornament and decoration, and both were used in large structures with a social or cultural status. Baroque architecture is serious, dramatic, and heavy. On the other hand, Rococo is light, airy, and decorative.
sorry I don't know the answer to #2
Now i am not black
But, I have grown up with them.
I am not a female
But, I have grown up with them.
I do not have a child
But, I am one.
I think the motherhood of a black child is beautiful. Black mothers are almost always more protective and caring then white parents, and the kids are more apreaciative of their mothers.