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Since it is a circular rink something spinning in a non stop circular motion increases slightly and stays at a steady speed. So the girl technically is not accelerating.
The movement by people from one place to another with the intentions of settling, permanently in the new location is called migration. Migration may be by individuals, family units or in groups. Most of the people get migrated for employment, in present scenario
For earthquakes, there is a lapsed time between the arrival of the
p-wave and the s-wave, because the waves travel at different speeds. The length
of this period of time determine the
distance to the epicenter.
Earthquakes create seismic waves. P waves are faster than S
waves. As the P and S waves move out from an earthquake, the P waves get ahead
of the S waves. The distance of a seismic station from an earthquake can be
determined from the time difference between the time of arrival of the first P
wave and the first S wave.