At first glance, it may seem that ‘Tokyo Blues‘ is about a typical story in which a teenager is in a love triangle. And to some extent, it's true. But the history of Murakami manages to turn events around and highlight the importance of how they happen. It is a short novel, but not light. I have to admit that at the beginning I had my doubts but I really enjoyed reading.
Tokyo Blues back cover
Although the premise can be seen, the story is told with tact, sensitivity and rawness at some times. All these elements make it a very special book. The story stars unusual characters. Everyone has some emotional tare and some ghosts of the past. They are caught between nostalgia and monotony.
Death, sex, disease and insecurity are key elements in ‘Tokyo Blues’. They are present in virtually the entire book and continually condition the story. So are music and literature because despite the fact that Murakami is a Japanese writer, he is fascinated by certain Western elements that (from what I have read) he introduces into almost all his works. In this case, jazz or The Beatles (who title the book with "Norwegian Wood"), Truman Capote, Fitzgerald or Raymond Chandler.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "C. The main purpose is to explain a natural disaster."
These are the following choices:
The main purpose is to tell a good story.
The main purpose is to explain creation of humankind.
The main purpose is to explain a natural disaster.
The main purpose is to teach a lesson.</span>
"We need the medalllion!" Luis exclaimed.
"Okay, let's go" I agreed.
Now, we were on our way to look for the medallion It was pitch dark outside, I could barely see anything, but we needed to find that medallion. If it ended up in the wrong hands, everything could be over. It's powers Grant many amazing things, however, if the enemy obtains it, its game over for all of us; and I had no idea where to find it
"Hurry" I told Luis who stood behind me not moving one muscle.
"Oh you poor thing. Never trust anyone" he said as I turned to look at him.
"WHAT THE??" I practically yelled.
"YOU TRADOR! I THOGUHT we were in this together"
"Wait where are you going" I finsihed saying.
" See you never dumbo" Luis yelled as he started running.
Now it was up to me to find Luis, my best friend who turned out to be a tardor!
Hope the made up story helps!