What made Fry start thinking about an invention? O singing in his church choir O the failure of bookmarks A model intrapreneur i
s Art Fry, a chemical engineer who in 1974 was working in product development at 3M during the week and singing in his church choir on Sundays. He was accustomed to marking the pages in his hymnal with scraps of paper, so that he could quickly locate the songs during the two services at which he sang. The procedure worked fine for the first service, but often by the second one some of the loose scraps of paper had fallen out of their places. Fry, not having noticed this, sometimes at a loss for words. - The Evolution of Useful Things, Henry Petroski O an article in the Sunday paper o the success he had locating songs was
3M is a company with a culture that lets its employees experiment. Because it allows employees to try new things and even use company equipment to do it, the employees have come up with a lot of good ideas, which have led to new products being developed.