Some of the similarities between the two revolutions were:
- Both revolutions began due to the ideas of Enlightenment.
- Many of their objectives were similar: freedom, equality, the end of tyranny, the rule of law, etc.
- Both desired a republican, democratic government.
- Both inspired many political changes across the world.
However, they were also significantly different:
- The United States was fighting against a different country (England), while France engaged in a civil war. This led to deeper divisions within French society.
- The United States already had a more egalitarian system, while French social classes were extremely rigid. Therefore, long-lasting change was more difficult to achieve.
- The United States was successful in remaining democratic and republican, while France struggled with various regime changes.
- The post-war period was relatively peaceful in America, while it was extremely bloody and violent in France.
The correct answer to this question is D) he was not sure the Constitution gave the president the right to purchase land.
Jefferson's main concern regarding the Louisiana purchase was that he was not sure the Constitution gave the president the right to purchase land.
Jefferson was decided to buy the Louisiana territory and sent James Madison to France to help Robert Livingstone -Minister to France- with the negotiations. The result was a successful one. The United States accepted to pay $11,2500,000 for 828,000 square miles of the Louisiana territory. The agreement was signed on May 2, 1803.
Sicily is the where the first Punic War was fought.
The correct answer is - Slaves.
The West African empires had a tradition of having lot of slaves, usually people that were captives in war. The smaller tribes in West Africa that were ruled by the bigger tribes or empires, were very often treated very badly, and lot of their people were taken as slaves.
When the Europeans saw the potential of the slaves, they rushed to negotiate and buy them off, and for the West African empires it seemed like an easy way to make big profits, so the trade with slaves started. Millions of people were used in the so called Atlantic Slave Trade, most of whom are the descendants of the black populations in the Americas.