compound - complex
independent clause
<u>Jessica is a competitive horseback rider</u>, and
independent clause
<u>she will be competing in the next World Equestrian Games</u>,
dependent clause
<u>which are held every four years</u>.
She's graceful and childish. But at the same time, Weena has her own personality. She has retained certain feelings that the other Eloi seem to have lost – gratitude, for instance. After the Time Traveller saves her from drowning, Weena keeps him company and tries to keep him safe and comfortable – in her own way.
they all came together as a community or in groups to give support to each other because of a threat that was the earthquake
I believe that the closest synonym for the word overwhelmed is awestruck. It isn't jubilant, because that means happy. And overwhelmed isn't necessarily happy, it is just a strong emotion. Flattered and gracious just don't fit here.