Curley attacks Lennie because he assumes that Lennie is smiling at him. Curley thinks that Lennie is enjoying the insults made at Curley's expense. The insults are about the hand that Curley keeps soft for his wife, the "Glove fulla vaseline" as Candy taunts.
powerful and beneficial relationships between animals and children.
2. Gandhi was committed to nonviolence, and he was determined to win freedom for his country without violence or confrontation, if possible.
4. He called it nonviolent noncooperation, and it proved to be one of the keys to India's independence from Great Britain. Whenever there was trouble with British soldiers, Ganhdi urged the people of India not to fight, telling them instead to simply stand still.
These are the two sentences that are grammatically correct. In sentence 1, "Indias" is misspelled, as it should read "India's" considering that this is a possessive. Moreover, "A" does not need to be capitalized and "career" is also misspelled. In sentence 3, "Gandhi" needs to be capitalized and the correct expression is "over the years." Finally, sentence 5 misspells "twenty" and does not capitalize "king."
Its historical significance of this is that real people died during this time