Yes china is represented by the number 3
I would say that the likely coastline of Florida that has good ports and also possibly good recreation facilities would be on the east coast because the west coast does not appear to have harbours and is open to the full sweep of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Amerindians of Canada or indigenous peoples of Canada were culturally, ethnically and linguistically diverse. Regarding the cultural division, there is a difference in the northeast region characterized by forests, the subarctic region and the Arctic region, as well as other smaller regions such as the Pacific coast and less extensive inland regions.
Linguistically there are three large families (Algonquian, Na-dené, Eskimo-Aleutian), and in the most abundant regions in resources there were higher population densities and also greater ethnic and linguistic diversity. Curiously, in some areas not covered by large families, isolated languages are spoken by people who do not seem to be phylogenetically their neighbors.