The Revolutionary War and the Enlightenment are two processes that shared very similar ideological foundations.
The Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated European thinking during the eighteenth century. Many of the movement's ideas were similar to those pursued in the colonies, for example: <em>individual liberty, equality of men, democratic rule, universal rights, constitutional government</em> and <em>the separation of church and state.</em> Because of this, several colonists who supported independence, such as Benjamin Franklin, found inspiration in the work and ideas of European philosophers that contributed to the movement.
Correct he sued for his freedom from his former slave owner
United States, Japan, or China.
<span>The characteristics of each system that Europeans established in the America are s</span>piety, industry, and courage. <span>These isolated communities each </span>developed<span> their own unique ways of life and cultures, and their interaction with one another was limited in comparison to the extensive trade and conflict of civilizations across the Atlantic in </span>Europe<span> and Asia. Records of </span>European<span> travel to North </span>America<span> begin with the Norse.</span>