Canaan is often associated with Jews, as they were promised a Holy Land.
English Parliament in the 18th century was an example of bicameral legislative branch through its House of Commons and House of Lords, it was formed after rtification of the Union by both Scotland and England, creating a single parliament and the new Kingdom of Great Britain.
St Justin Martyr one of the most important of the Greek philosopher-Apologists in the early Christian church. His writings represent the first positive encounter of Christian revelation with Greek philosophy and laid the basis for a theology of history.
ONE OF THE most bizarre (and fascinating) stories of the Revolutionary War is that of Deborah Sampson, a New England infantry “man” who fought bravely in George Washington's Continental Army. ... The War for American Independence been raging for six years, and Sampson intended to join the fight.
D. A primary source comes from someone who has actually witnessed the event, while a secondary source is not based off of firsthand experience.