In his 2008 article for the New York Times, James Gleick talks about "the gloom that has fallen over the book-publishing industry" to describe the the negative impact of digitalizing books in the book-publishing industry.
In this article he describes the already decline in paper-books sales due to the rise of digital platforms such as Kindle, epub, etc, and how the future of book-publishers looked grimer because of an agreement between authors, publishers and Google to allow the scanning and digitalizing of books to make them accesible in website and digital platforms.
This agreement would be dramatic for the sectors of the book-publishing industry dealing with marketing, archiving and distributing physical paper books.
Taxes will be imposed and enforce d on the colonies which will be a cause of the American revolution
Radical Reconstruction:
The following March, again over Johnson's veto, Congress passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867, which temporarily divided theSouth into five military districts and outlined how governments based on universal (male) suffrage were to be organized.
C!!!!!!!!!!!! BOTH A AND B
Slavery and the tariff
South beileved in a stronger state government. With less power going to the national government.