Bernard ignores the conversation because he knows his fate would be sealed even more if he spoke up.
In the conversation between Mond, John and Helmholtz he knows that Mond will have the upper hand and anything that Bernard might say about what he was willing to do against the new society by reading the texts and organizing people who fail even further.
So he stays silent and only talks up to beg Mond to reduce his sentence for his crime of doing it but his friends had until them pretty much spilled the beans and had engaged in a discussion about the things they were doing.
1 .She said that she lived in New York
2.She told me that he worked in a bank
3.She said that Julie didn't like going out much
4.She said that she does not have a computer
5.She said that they never arrive on time
6.He told me that they often met friends in London over the weekend
7.She said that David does not have any children
8.She said that she does not go to the gym very often
9.She said that Lucy owned three flats in the city
10.She said that she never got up early on Sundays
When writing in reported speech you should change the tense from past to present,remove the inverted commas and place 'that' after said and commence with your past sense sentence
Set takes Osiris' measurements.
I took the test!!