O And.
Transition words are those words that act as the "glue" to connect ideas in a sentence or indicate the words or phrases that are connected for a better understanding of the readers. They are words such as "and", "again", "so" "but" etc.
In the given passage, there are several transition words used. But the one transition word that is used to indicate that additional information is being added is the use of the word "and".
Thus, the correct answer is "and".
1. by following the rules of government.
2. by helping Needly people.
3. helping parents.
4. talking nicely to people.
5. giving hope to the hospital patient.
6. making all of ours junior think positive.
7. working hard but smartly.
8. wear mask.
9. always be happy.
10. watching the news.
Your answer is A: Ivan wanted to be alone so he could dispose of the nose-Apex
The second morning of the vigil, August discovers a suicide
note out nearby where they found May's body. May penned that August and June
should not be miserable, but in its place be happy that May is with her parents,
sibling, and grandmother. Even though she was exhausted of carrying the blues
of the world, it was her stage to pass away but their time to live. August
tells June she need to marry Neil and stop being scared to take a risk.