The Vietnamese felt like the French just gave them over without a battle. Vietnam was a French province until “the French imperialists went down on their bended knees and handed over our country to them,” them meaning the Japanese. Even after the Vietminh League encouraged the French to get arms together with them to fend off the Japanese. The Vietminh League even encouraged a portion of the Frenchmen by saving them from Japanese prisons and ensured them and their property. Even after this, the Vietnamese felt double-crossed by the manner in which they just gave the nation over.
The congress works with the house of representatives and people who work for the house of representatives work with the congress but i depends on witch congress you are takling about.
The fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453 ended the Byzantine Empire. The last of the imperial Byzantine successor states, the Empire of Trebizond, would be conquered by the Ottomans eight years later in the 1461 siege.