Streptococcus pyrogenes : Round (or) Ovoid
Paenibaccilus polymyxa:
Aquaspirillum bengal: Helical
- Streptococcus pyogenes are gram positive, Round shaped, Anaerobic growth bacteria, Non-motile bacteria.
- Aquaspirillum bengal is helical in shape with its composition of deoxyribonucleic acid and cytosine. It is Gram negative and chemo-organotrophic. It is also motile with the help of flagella.
- Paenibacillus polymyxa is also known as Bacillus polymyxa which is capable of fixing nitrogen. It is found in soil, plant tissues and marine sediments. It has a major role in forest ecosystems and potential future applications as a biofertilizer and biocontrol agent in agriculture.
Oxytocin is given to women who have a prexisting condition, like diabetes to inhanse labor or for women whose babies re at risk during labor. the staff looks for irregular heart rythem in the fetus that would indicate fetal stress..
genes are part of your own dna you don't run out of dna