Settlement houses and other agencies developed programs to educate immigrants and their children with the American culture. The children were taught hygiene, manners, conduct in daily life and most important of all, the use of the English language. The common schools developed particular subjects and extracurricular activities and new ways of enforcing discipline in order to Americanize these children.
Unfortunately, I do not have pages from a textbook to give to you. However I do know that after WWl, because of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to lose all its colonies and conquered land which means they do not have access to their resources. In addition, they had to pay HUGE reparations to cover civilian damages that were caused during the war. This made Germany politically unstable as the Kaiser fled after WWl and they had 12 political parties during that time. Soon, there will be a rise seen in the political ideology of the National Socialist German Workers' Party- also known as the Nazi Party.
Answer:The ancient Roman republic had three branches of government. In the beginning, the legislative branch was the Senate, a group made up of 300 citizens from Rome's patrician class, the oldest and wealthiest families of Rome.
Taxable income is your answer
For many Indians, in particular, the Shawnee, Creeks and the very large and powerful Cherokee and Iroquois, the British seemed like a better bet. The British knew full well that the Indians wanted to stem the tide of settlement, and they promised the Indians that if they won, the settlers would be stopped.