Answer: Reliance on legal precedent
Reliance on legal precedent should be a key factor in court's ruling since if stakeholders cant's success on mediating their reliance on precedent forfeit, then any claim they'do therefore, it'll be taken under stare decisis doctrine. This comes from a judicial theory that states: when a pronouncement has built enough reliance, then a presumption against adjudicative change must follow.
Coinciding with the end of World War I, a socialist revolution broke out in Germany. The German Revolution of 1918-1919 resulted in the creation of the left-leaning Weimar Republic, which lasted until Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party seized power in the early 1930s.
that is from a paper i had to write about it so hope it helps!
Assuming you're referring to a political context, the Ancient Greeks practiced a system of "direct democracy," in which each eligible citizen voted directly on all issues facing the state. This is different than a representative democracy, as it exists in the United States.
Westward expansion helped the economy by land, mining, and improved transportation by rail brought settlers to the American West during the Gilded Age.
<span>The subagent owes the same duties to the broker's client as the broker.</span><span>