Lots of people got involved
The Georgia Constitution contains many similarities as well as differences to the U. S. Constitution. Similarities include: Each constitution contains a bill of rights. Each adopts the concept of separation of powers with specific legislative, executive and judicial branches.
O objetivo de suas viagens era encontrar uma passagem para a Ásia navegando para o oeste. Sem nunca realmente cumprir esta missão, suas explorações incluíram principalmente o Caribe e partes da América Central e do Sul, todas as quais já eram habitadas por grupos nativos.
Since it sparked a public scandal, you can think to how people feel about scandals. After getting more info about the Petrov Affair, people were probably felt angry, betrayed, and shocked. (Probably mostly shocked, and maybe some even began to form a prejudice against Russians?)
To help you could see if you could find any quotes about it, on how people felt from maybe news articles or something. You can also go on the history channel's website.
Hope this helped! Good luck!!