Sacar la basura porfavor
This one makes sence and the other one either beging wrong and dont make sence
Im guessing this is Romanian....
This is the translation
proverbial were those who established norms of conduct and principles of life reaching throughout history to be unwritten laws. elaborate and present a decalogue of Romanian proverbs and sayings for your colleagues.
(Write about easter traditions in my house)
tradycje wielkanocne w moim domu zmieniają się w naprawdę ładne ubrania, a następnie czekają w domu, aż moi rodzice ukryją pisanki, a potem pójdziemy je znaleźć i potem zrobimy zdjęcia na zewnątrz
Easter traditions in my house change into really nice clothes, and then wait at home until my parents hide the eggs, then we go to find them and then take pictures outside
The four functions of language: to define, to evaluate, to influence, to reflect. In language we always have a sender, a receiver and an information. The sender sends the information to the receiver in a specific context (a sorounding world) and the information is corelated with the world (it says something about it). The functions of language describes functions of theese elements. Language "defines" because it says something about the world and it shows a connection between the information and the world. Language influence, because every speech we give has its consequences for the receiver so here we have correlation between the information and the receiver. What's more language reflects because it shows the emotions and intentions of the sender (connection between sender and information). And last but not least we have the function "to evaluate". It shows how the information influences itself, how it is built, what kind of language we use and what stylistic values it has.
What do you want to ask, if you cannot understand, please ask me, I am a Chinese girl