Yea it does Just stay forcus n don’t be scared
A wafer is a crisp, thin, sweet, dry, and flat biscuit. Wafers are also used together with chocolate bars, like the Kit Kat or Coffee Crisp bars, and it is an important part of every Collection of Biscuit Type.
My reaction to this quote is that Abraham Lincoln is referring to the ideal that once people have power they tend to abuse it for their advantage, and personal gain. For Example, gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the manipulation of the county sizing and grouping in states by the Legislative branch to guarantee their reelection into federal or state offices. A typically Democratic city perhaps may be grouped or redrawn to conjoin with a vastly Republican populated area, creating a larger group of supporters of one party, and a polarized county.
The perfect form is the verb tense used to indicate a completed, or "perfected," action or condition. Verbs can appear in any one of three perfect tenses: presentperfect, past perfect, and future perfect. Verbs in the perfect form use a form of "have" or "had" + the past participle
I believe he is drawing a parallel between a tone of pure joy and the most depressing despair.