class Counter:
def __init__(self, counter, limit):
self.counter = counter
self.limit = limit
def increment(self):
if self.counter < self.limit:
self.counter += 1
def decrement(self):
if self.counter > 0:
self.counter -= 1
def get_value(self):
return self.counter
Answer:p=float(input("Enter current bank balance:"))
i=float(input("Enter interest rate:"))
t=float(input("Enter the amount of time that passes:"))
print((p ((1+i)*t)))
Explanation:if this answer it looks weird its my phones fault
hope this helps. I am also a learner like you. Please cross check my explanation.
using namespace std;
int main()
int a[ ] = {0, 0, 0}; //array declared initializing a0=0, a1=0, a3=0
int* p = &a[1]; //pointer p is initialized it will be holding the address of a1 which means when p will be called it will point to whatever is present at the address a1, right now it hold 0.
int* q = &a[0]; //pointer q is initialized it will be holding the address of a0 which means when q will be called it will point to whatever is present at the address a0, right now it hold 0.
q=p; // now q is also pointing towards what p is pointing both holds the same address that is &a[1]
; //&a[0] gets overwritten and now pointer q has integer 1......i am not sure abut this one
p = a; //p is now holding address of complete array a
*p=1; // a gets overwritten and now pointer q has integer 1......i am not sure abut this one
int*& r = p; //not sure
int** s = &q; s is a double pointer means it has more capacity of storage than single pointer and is now holding address of q
r = *s + 1; //not sure
s= &r; //explained above
**s = 1; //explained above
return 0;
Answer:Google Analytics IQ.
he can use this
UDP = connectionless vs. TCP is connection oriented.