After Christopher Columbus reached the shores of a new continent he was convinced that he reached shores of India. But many explorers doubt this. Among them was Amerigo Vespucci. He was convinced that Columbus reached a new continent, unknown to Europeans, not India. Therefore he traveled on his own across Atlantic Ocean in 1497. He reached the shores of todays Brazil. He realized that he reached the shores of a territory unknown to Europeans, which he named New World. In respect to Vespucci's achievement the whole continent was named after him - America.
The correct answer is It relates results to an original event.
One of the ways to improve arguments in a text is by using cause and effect structures.
Answer: Todos los organismos necesitan alimento para la energía requerida para vivir y crecer. Todos excretan (eliminan) los productos de desecho, detectan cambios en su entorno y responden a ellos. Todos los organismos vivos siguen un ciclo vital de crecimiento y desarrollo, reproducción y muerte.
risky behavior is risk taking behavior described as any conciously or non-consciously controlled behavior with a perceived uncertainty about its outcome, and/or about its possible benefits, or costs for the physical, economic or psycho-social well-being of oneself or others.