During the first year of imprisonment, the lawyer, as far as it was possible to judge from his short notes, suffered terribly fr
om loneliness and boredom. From his wing day and night came the sound of the piano. He rejected wine and tobacco. “Wine,” he wrote, “excites desires, and desires are the chief foes of a prisoner; besides, nothing is more boring than to drink good wine alone,” and tobacco spoils the air in his room. Which type of conflict occurs in the excerpt above? a) ironic b) external ) rowdy d) internal
Explanation: in literature, a conflict is a struggle between opposite forces, usually between a character (the main character or a very important one) and himself (internal conflict), society or another character (external conflict). In the given excerpt we can see an example of an internal conflict (corresponding to option D) because the lawyer was lonely and bored (this doesn't have to do with anyone else but himself).