A nurse is the most valuable, they save life’s and help prevent death. Sure a teacher can teach us math but what’s so important about that? A nurse is most important because they do scans and draw blood and those things can save life’s. Nurses are by far the most important.
Idioms exist in every language. They are words or phrases that aren't meant to be taken literally. For example, if you say someone has "cold feet," it doesn't mean their toes are actually cold. Rather, it means they're nervous about something. Idioms can't be deduced merely by studying the words in the phrase.
third one
its where the wolf cared for them
Many of the sentences in the passage show that the author is writing from a first-person point of view.
"I was lying on the sofa reading a book".
"I was home alone because my mom had gone to her friend's wedding".
"I had just begun to enjoy the book when there was a loud knock on the front door".
"The sun was blazing over the roof, baking US all like cookies".
"She asked ME to come along"
"I looked up and wondered if it was a robber"
"I put my book away and walked to the door"
The writer is talking about what happened to him on that day.
they did not meet since they left school