Federal civil rights claims, antitrust actions, and copyright and pa ten t cases.
The Colombian Exchange impacted the social and cultural makeup of both sides of the Atlantic. Hope this helps!!
Wow lol thats the discussion topic.
No we don't, because there will be other ways for the future generations to see what we did, like journals, and movies. Also our records will always be saved online as long as Google keeps all the information.
Trump (does not support as much) Biden does support it
<em>Trump- </em>
Cuts taxes and provides leeway to the major companies to treat their employees however they want. An example of this is seen in Amazon where the people aren't allowed to unionize, have little to no healthcare insurance and are easily replaceable.
<em>Biden- </em>
Tax higher after $400k and target the larger companies while providing more options for people to be insured.