El crecimiento de la civilización occidental se remonta a las inmensas contribuciones de los griegos en el campo de la política, el arte, la arquitectura, la literatura, el teatro, la filosofía, la ciencia y los deportes. Grecia es conocida como la cuna de la civilización occidental. La palabra "política" se deriva del griego polis
The right answers are:
Lenin and Trotsky.
Vladimir Ilich Lenin was the main Bolshevik leader and Leon Trotsky was another major activist. Both were instrumental in the Bolshevik Party´s quest for power and opposition to the "bourgeois" government of moderate socialist Aleksandr Kerensky that ruled Russia for a few months after the fall of the last Tsar. His government was brought down by the successful Bolshevik revolt in St. Petersburg on November 7, 1917 (October in Russian old style).
The United States has two major political parties: the Democrats and the Republicans. But there are other parties that aren't as represented by the United States government and are usually highly suppressed, underfunded or misrepresented. Usually these smaller parties aren’t as well known. These major parties have a duopoly, meaning that they share almost all the political power in the country. Most constitutional republic countries have more than two parties
The three largest parties aside from the two main political parties are the Libertarian Party, Green Party of the United States, and the Constitution party in respective order