Each and Every species in ecosystem are interlinked their behaviour,mode of getting their food and the uses of natural resouces is known as functional diversity
Biodiversity explains the intensity of an ecosystem in terms of species,food resources and genetically varied species. The levels of biodiversity are several, and each level denotes how different the species genetically and phenotypically,their behaviour, and their mode of food resources in a particular region. The main components of biodiversity are Species diversity,Genetic diversity,Ecosystem diversity and Functional diversity.
Generally species rich ecosystem have high functional diversity because there many species with different behaviours and different mode of food consumption Functional diversity is one of the components of biodiversity it comprises the characters of microbes widespread in an ecosystem.Functional diversity is highly important because of it stability and and nutrient availability to the species. It can be measured by its richness and evenness.
1. Richness: It refers to the dwelling of number of species in a specific niche
2. Evenness: It refers to the organisms in a particular nich how they are evenly distributed
Knowledge about a particular ecosystem reveals its richness and evenness and it provides an individual to know about the diversity of functional characters in an ecosystem