The earth rotates on its own axis. When the rotational axis of the earth changes, it leads to precession. Earth's precession is a common phenomenon that has been observed by astronomers for a long time. The effect of changing axis of rotation would be the amount of solar radiation that would be received at any point on the earth.
The Earth rumbles and a hiss of steam issues from the top of Mt Ruapehu. Are these two events related? Is the earthquake caused by the volcano? Or is the steam caused by the earthquake?
Tectonic plates
When Alfred Wegener first proposed the idea of continental drift (the precursor idea to plate tectonic theory), it didn’t quite explain the full story. While he correctly showed that Africa and South America fitted together, his model wasn’t able to explain the violent forces that occur around the Earth’scrust.
A. To show the world exactly as it is.
East Pakistan changed its name to Bangladesh, and it still has this name today, as it's an independent country. Desh means land, and Bangla is the language of people living there.
asteriod belt is the circumstellar disc in solar system locwted roughly between the orbit og mars and jupiter.