Woodrow Wilson represented the Democratic Party in the 1912 election against Roosevelt, since Wilson believed in a majority of the Democratic ideals of the time, especially pertaining to foreign
<span>The supreme courts decision stated that the land grants given to people or organizations act as a legal contract and give that owner rights and privileges to that land. The courts ruled in favor of college. This turned the private college into a state university under public control.</span>
House members must be twenty-five years of age and citizens for seven years. Senators are at least thirty years old and citizens for nine years. Another difference is who they represent. Senators represent their entire states, but members of the House represent individual districts. Senators are elected to represent all of the people in a state, whereas representatives are elected by the voters of a particular area.
Government can pass laws to limit what financial institutions can charge in interest and fees.
Para utilizar menos energía y espacio.
El efecto de que los microprocesadores se hagan más pequeños porque debido a su pequeño tamaño, requiere o consume menos energía. Estos también se hacen más pequeños para ocupar menos espacio en las computadoras y otros dispositivos electrónicos como teléfonos móviles, etc. Realizan su trabajo como una unidad central de procesamiento en dispositivos pequeños como miniordenadores y teléfonos móviles.