The courts are there to help defend your 1st amendment
400 years ago America consisted of a few colonies, financed by private investments, whose inhabitants were mainly religious minorities.
The experiment was both a religious and an economic one: to develop a colony, in the other side of the world, where a religious, homogeneous minoroty could develop an economy, mostly self-sustaining, but also with the goal of trading with the local inhabitants.
The degrees of comparison escalate as follows:
If you have three sentences as follows:
Henry is short.
David is shorter than Henry.
Thoreau is shortest of the three.
Short is the positive degree, shorter is the comparative degree, and shortest is the superlative degree.
In the sentence "Cheetahs are faster runners than lions" the adjective in question is faster. We know that its degree of comparison is comparative.
A. comparative
By the use of millitary aircraft during 1948 - 1949.
By using millitary aircraft to supply West Berlin with food, medicines and basic necessities from 1948 to 1949.