The correct preposition that you should add to make the sentence correct is TO. The answer is then "To facilitate a quick getaway, the cunning thief parked the car perpendicular to the building". Perpendicular things always have the preposition TO next to them.
Everyone deserves Freedom right? No more slaves or owning people. No more hiding from people because you are scared to get hurt. It's time for EVERY single person to have freedom! We are all equal. We are all humans. We all have a heart, nose, mouth and brains! No matter out skin tone or even if we look just a bit different.. We want OUR FREEDOM!!
Lol Hope this helped have a wonderful day! <33
He is disgusted and shocked by the identical lower caste people.
Okay, so syntax is sometimes called grammar, but the word grammar is also used more broadly to refer to various aspects of language and its usage. In traditional grammar syntax, a sentence is analysed as having two parts, a subject and a predicate.
Syntax refers to word order, and the way in which it works with grammatical structures. As we are used to hearing things in certain orders, the effect of breaking with normal syntax is to draw attention to what is being said and the way it is.
Now Alternative Syntax: is for its control structure; namely, if, while, for, for each, and switch. In each case, the basic for of alternative syntax is to change the opening brace to a colon ( : ) and the closing brace to end if;, endwhile;, endfor; endforeach;, or endswitch; respectful y
I hope I could help, that's all I really know about it, so if you need some more help, you should probably ask your teacher. :) have a great day.
I believe the correct answer is: the claim of a human tyrant
of enduring glory is transient.
The theme of "Ozymandias", a poem written by Percy
B. Shelly, can be said to be that the claim of a human tyrant of enduring glory
is transient. This theme may be even broader, meaning that everything humans accomplish
is transient such as Ozymandias’ glory in this poem.