The history of the United States during 1865 to 1918 not 1910 specifically covers the Reconstruction era, the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era and involves the industrialization and the surge of immigration. It is a time period in which America expanded in many aspects. This period shows a roaming growth in the North and in the West (but not in the South). The average annual income of non farm workers grew by 75% from 1865 to 1900 and grew another 33% by 1918. America gained importance when it easily defeated Spain in 1898 that unexpectedly brought a small empire. Cuba was quickly given independence as well as the Philippines (in 1946), Puerto Rico and some other small islands became American possessions as did Alaska that was bought to the Russians in 1867. The independent Republic of Hawaii voluntarily joined the US as a territory in 1898.
Madison believed that the diversity of interests among people in a large territory would prevent factions from forming powerful majorities. As a result, Madison argues that peoples' rights would be safe not only from the rule of a tyrant but from the mob rule of a direct democracy.
He found the first Egyptian Dynasty.
Dynastic rule is when a group of people, commonly a family, rules over a country and when the king dies his son or daughter becomes the next king or queen and it goes like that forever unless something groundbreaking happens like a revolution. Dynastic rule became common form of rule up until the modern era.
They enjoyed fights between gladiators,and fight between people and animals. These bloodthirsty shows were put on in front of crowds in large arenas called amphitheaters. Romans emperors paid for free shows at theaters and amphitheaters.
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<span>George Washington supported the constitution because it was an improvement on the previously installed articles of confederation. By leaving the constitutional door open, he was most likely referring to the need for the constitution to remain flexible to the needs of the country at any one time.</span><span />